Good Luck Habit #3 – Expectations Set The Bar

Perhaps you have heard this quote from Henry Ford  “Whether think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right!”  This pretty much captures the idea of Good Luck Habit #3.  Henry Ford certainly did something that not many people believed would be possible at that time.  He didn’t invent the automobile, but Henry’s innovative assembly line approach made it a practical affordable means of transportation for many Americans, rather than an expensive curiousity.

Henry  must have had doubts and challenges along the way, but he did not give up.  After all, he hung out with innovators like Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone.

What do you believe in or want, that your expectations of difficulty or failure are sabotaging?   It may be something phenomenal like Henry’s goal, or it may be something simple like the story below.  Either way, your expectations set the bar for what is possible for you to achieve and receive.

Good Luck Habit #3 – Create Self-Fulfilling Prophecies By Developing Positive Expectations

This Good Luck Habit requires you to consciously consider what you expect or intend to happen, and also monitor your inner and outer conversations so they become a positive affirmation of what you really want, and give up focusing on what you fear or don’t want.

Clarify your intentions and expectations for your desired positive outcome, rather than focusing on the “what if things go wrong” aspects of a situation . This practice is aligned with the spiritual principle that says “What You Focus On Expands”.

 Recently, a client told me how she got a new office with a window. Tina was aware that a colleague was about to retire and leave his window office vacant. In her department, having a window office was related to some combination of seniority and longevity of service. Rather than sit around and wait to see what would happen, she wrote an email.  In it, Tina acknowledged that she wasn’t sure where she stood in the hierarchy for the assignment of that office, but requested to be considered. She moved in last week and is enjoying her view of a lovely garden area.

We will never know if Tina would’ve gotten that office assignment if she hadn’t clearly expressed her desire to have it. However, by developing and expressing her positive intention and expectation, she did create a self-fulfilling prophecy that resulted in her wish coming true.

It is important to ask for what you want and need that supports your positive expectations. When you make clear requests, it is much more likely for others to support you in having it actually happen.

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