Getting Things Done

Do you have a procrastination habit? Or maybe staying motivated and on task for a particular goal is challenging for you.  My previous article told Claire’s story about lacking motivation. You may remember that I shared 3 components on connecting to her WHHY (What makes your Head and Heart say Yes at the same time) and how that helped her to get things…

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Maintaining Motivation

Claire is a University professor. She is smart and accomplished, and successfully leads a team of college instructors. And yet, she lacked motivation. “I am so frustrated with myself. I am failing at the project I need to do this summer before Fall term. I know exactly what to do, and I can’t get myself to do it. It’s…

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Get Your Long-Term Goals To Bloom – Part 3

Last blog I shared 2 tips I learned from my orchids about accomplishing long-term goals. Have you tried using those tips to nurture your long-term goals with Light and with Watering and Feeding practices? Here are the last 2 tips to get your long-term goals to bloom. Tip 3 – Growth Stages Long-term goals take……

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Get Your Long-Term Goals to Bloom – Part 2

This is a time for change and redesign.  Last week I shared a story about getting my orchids to rebloom and what that has in common with bringing your long-term personal or professional goals into focus.  Did you take some time to determine where you have some ‘mind static’ that is making valuable and achievable…

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Get Your Long-Term Goals to Bloom – Part 1

I am having breakfast and gazing out my kitchen window.  As I peer through the colorful riot of prolific blooms from the 7 orchid plants that live there, it hits me!  The way that I care for my orchids to keep them healthy and re-blooming is the same way I need to be tending to…

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